iPages is a modern, highly focused application allowing complex pages to be created from various data sources, including SQL databases, XML files and Microsoft Excel files, and output direct to PDF or JPEG.

While other e-brochure solutions exist, they often require another proprietary database further adding to the number of data repositories you have, or simply use existing outdated brochure content.

iPages offers unprecedented flexibility, both for your designs and data sources. By combining technologies we are able to offer you the ability to provide your customers with tailor made e— brochures that include up—to—date price panels relevant to the holidays they are interested in (and the up-sell potential you are interested in), while maintaining a consistent look and feel with your printed brochures and brand.

What can iPages do? Here's a taster:-

Find & Replace Screen Shot

To find out more or to arrange a demonstration please contact us and we will be please to discuss your requirements.

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